Source code for salter.cache

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
import os

import numpy as np
import kplr
from import ascii
import h5py
from astropy.utils.console import ProgressBar
from import download_file
from astropy.table import Column, unique, join

__all__ = ['cache_light_curves', 'get_planets_table', 'cache_planets_table',
           'planet_props', 'lc_archive']

kic_numbers_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
                                os.path.pardir, 'data', 'kics.csv')

planet_table_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
                                 os.path.pardir, 'data', 'joined_table.csv')

light_curves_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
                                 os.path.pardir, 'data', 'light_curves.hdf5')

stats_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
                          os.path.pardir, 'data', 'stats.hdf5')

[docs]def cache_light_curves(): """ Run this after running `choose_targets.ipynb` in order to cache light curves into a local HDF5 archive. Examples -------- >>> from salter import cache_light_curves; cache_light_curves() """ if os.path.exists(light_curves_path): raise ValueError('Light curves file already exists, at {0}' .format(light_curves_path)) if not os.path.exists(kic_numbers_path): raise ValueError("You must first run the `choose_targets.ipynb` " "notebook before running `cache_light_curves`") kics =, format='no_header')['col1'] client = kplr.API() # Create archive f = h5py.File(light_curves_path, 'w') with ProgressBar(len(kics)) as bar: for kic in kics: if str(kic) not in f.keys(): # Find a KIC star = # Download the lightcurves for this KOI. lightcurves = star.get_light_curves(short_cadence=False) # Loop over the datasets and read in the data. time, flux, ferr, quality, quarter = [], [], [], [], [] for i, lc in enumerate(lightcurves): with as lc_file: # The lightcurve data are in the first FITS HDU. hdu_data = lc_file[1].data time.append(hdu_data["time"]) flux.append(hdu_data["sap_flux"]) ferr.append(hdu_data["sap_flux_err"]) quality.append(hdu_data["sap_quality"]) quarter.append(i * np.ones_like(hdu_data["time"])) data = np.vstack(list(map(np.concatenate, [time, flux, ferr, quality, quarter]))).T f.create_dataset(str(kic), data=data) f.flush() bar.update() f.close()
[docs]def cache_planets_table(): """ Cache a joined table containing data from the NASA Exoplanet Archive and the Exoplanet Orbit Database. To get the table, run the `~salter.get_planets_table()` function. """ NEA_URL = '' EOD_URL = '' nea_table =, cache=False)) eod_table =, cache=False)) eod_table2 = eod_table[~eod_table['KEPID'].mask] nea_table2 = nea_table[~nea_table['kepid'].mask] eod_table2.add_column(Column(eod_table2['KEPID'], 'kepid')) joined_table = join(eod_table2, nea_table2, keys=['kepid']) ascii.write(joined_table, planet_table_path, format='csv')
[docs]def get_planets_table(): """ Get the joined planets table from the NASA Exoplanet Archive and the Exoplanet Orbit Database. Returns ------- table : `~astropy.table.Table` Table of exoplanet properties """ if not os.path.exists(planet_table_path): raise ValueError("You must run salter.cache.cache_planets_table first " "before you can run get_joined_table") table =, format='csv') # Toss out multis first_kois_only = np.array([koi.endswith('01') for koi in table['kepoi_name']]) table = table[first_kois_only] table.add_index('kepid') # Ensure only unique results unique_table = unique(table, keys='kepid') unique_table.add_index('kepid') return unique_table
class PlanetProperties(object): """ Cache manager for planet properties table. """ def __init__(self): self._table = None @property def table(self): """ Column definitions can be found at [1]_ and [2]_. References ---------- .. [1] .. [2] """ if self._table is None: self._table = get_planets_table() return self._table class LightCurveArchive(object): """ Light curve HDF5 archive manager """ def __init__(self): self._file = None @property def file(self): """ Return an open HDF5 file stream of the light curve archive. """ if self._file is None: self._file = h5py.File(light_curves_path, 'r') return self._file planet_props = PlanetProperties() lc_archive = LightCurveArchive()