Source code for salter.lightcurve

# Licensed under the MIT License - see LICENSE.rst
Methods for taking the raw light curves from MAST and producing cleaned light
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
from copy import deepcopy

from astropy.time import Time
import astropy.units as u
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import batman
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
from scipy.optimize import fmin_l_bfgs_b

from .params import kic_to_params
from .limbdarkening import q2u, u2q
from .cache import lc_archive

__all__ = ['LightCurve', 'concatenate_transit_light_curves',
           'TransitLightCurve', 'concatenate_light_curves',

LCARCHIVE_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
                              os.path.pardir, 'data', 'light_curves.hdf5')

def generate_lc_depth(times, depth, transit_params, exp_time=30/60/24):
    Generate a model transit light curve.

    times : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Times in JD
    depth : float
        Set depth independently from the setting in `transit_params`
    transit_params : `~batman.TransitParams`
        Transit light curve parameters


    #exp_time = (30*u.min).to(

    transit_params.rp = np.sqrt(depth)

    m = batman.TransitModel(transit_params, times, supersample_factor=7,
    model_flux = m.light_curve(transit_params)
    return model_flux

def lc_3param(times, rp, q1, q2, transit_params, exp_time=30/60/24):
    Generate a model transit light curve.

    times : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Times in JD
    rp : float
        Planet-to-star radius ratio
    q1 : float on interval [0, 1]
        Limb darkening parameter from Kipping 2013
    q2 : float on interval [0, 1]
        Limb darkening parameter from Kipping 2013
    transit_params : `~batman.TransitParams`
        Transit light curve parameters

    flux : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Model light curve at ``times``
    params = deepcopy(transit_params)

    params.rp = rp
    u1, u2 = q2u(q1, q2)
    params.u = [u1, u2]

    m = batman.TransitModel(params, times, supersample_factor=7,
    model_flux = m.light_curve(params)
    return model_flux

[docs]class LightCurve(object): """ Container object for light curves. """ def __init__(self, times=None, fluxes=None, errors=None, quarters=None, name=None, params=None): """ Parameters ---------- times : `~numpy.ndarray` Times in JD fluxes : `~numpy.ndarray` Fluxes (normalized or not) errors : `~numpy.ndarray` Uncertainties on the fluxes quarters : `~numpy.ndarray` (optional) Kepler Quarter for each flux name : str Name this light curve (optional) params : `~batman.TransitParams` Planet transit parameters """ # if len(times) < 1: # raise ValueError("Input `times` have no length.") if isinstance(times[0], Time) and isinstance(times, np.ndarray): times = Time(times) elif not isinstance(times, Time): times = Time(times, format='jd') self.times = times self.fluxes = fluxes if self.times is not None and errors is None: errors = np.zeros_like(self.fluxes) - 1 self.errors = errors if self.times is not None and quarters is None: quarters = np.zeros_like(self.fluxes) - 1 self.quarters = quarters = name if type(name) is str else str(name) self.params = params
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf5(cls, kic): """ Load a light curve from the HDF5 light curve archive with KIC number ``kic``. Parameters ---------- kic: float KIC number """ hdf5_file = lc_archive.file mask_nans = np.logical_not(np.isnan(hdf5_file[str(kic)][:, 0])) name = str(kic) params = kic_to_params(kic) return cls(times=hdf5_file[str(kic)][:, 0][mask_nans] + 2454833.0, fluxes=hdf5_file[str(kic)][:, 1][mask_nans], errors=hdf5_file[str(kic)][:, 2][mask_nans], quarters=hdf5_file[str(kic)][:, 4][mask_nans], name=name, params=params)
[docs] def phases(self): params = self.params phase = ((self.times.jd - params.t0) % params.per)/params.per phase[phase > 0.5] -= 1.0 return phase
[docs] def plot(self, transit_params=None, ax=None, quarter=None, show=True, phase=False, plot_kwargs={'color':'b', 'marker':'o', 'lw':0}): """ Plot light curve. Parameters ---------- transit_params : `~batman.TransitParams` (optional) Transit light curve parameters. Required if `phase` is `True`. ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` (optional) Axis to make plot on top of quarter : float (optional) Plot only this Kepler quarter show : bool If `True`, call `` after plot is made phase : bool If `True`, map times in JD to orbital phases, which requires that `transit_params` be input also. plot_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments to pass to `~matplotlib` calls. """ if quarter is not None: if hasattr(quarter, '__len__'): mask = np.zeros_like(self.fluxes).astype(bool) for q in quarter: mask |= self.quarters == q else: mask = self.quarters == quarter else: mask = np.ones_like(self.fluxes).astype(bool) if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if phase: x = (self.times.jd - transit_params.t0)/transit_params.per % 1 x[x > 0.5] -= 1 else: x = self.times.jd ax.plot(x[mask], self.fluxes[mask], **plot_kwargs) ax.set(xlabel='Time' if not phase else 'Phase', ylabel='Flux', if show:
[docs] def normalize_each_quarter(self, rename=None, polynomial_order=2, plots=False): """ Use polynomial fit to each quarter to normalize the data. Parameters ---------- rename : str (optional) New name of the light curve after normalization polynomial_order : int (optional) Order of polynomial to fit to the out-of-transit fluxes. Default is 2. plots : bool (optional) Show diagnostic plots after normalization. """ quarter_inds = list(set(self.quarters)) quarter_masks = [quarter == self.quarters for quarter in quarter_inds] for quarter_mask in quarter_masks: polynomial = np.polyfit(self.times[quarter_mask].jd, self.fluxes[quarter_mask], polynomial_order) scaling_term = np.polyval(polynomial, self.times[quarter_mask].jd) self.fluxes[quarter_mask] /= scaling_term self.errors[quarter_mask] /= scaling_term if plots: plt.plot(self.times[quarter_mask], self.fluxes[quarter_mask]) if rename is not None: = rename
[docs] def delete_outliers(self): d = np.diff(self.fluxes) spikey = np.abs(d - np.median(d)) > 2.5*np.std(d) neighboring_spikes = spikey[1:] & spikey[:-1] opposite_signs = np.sign(d[1:]) != np.sign(d[:-1]) outliers = np.argwhere(neighboring_spikes & opposite_signs) + 1 #print('number bad fluxes: {0}'.format(len(outliers))) self.times = Time(np.delete(self.times.jd, outliers), format='jd') self.fluxes = np.delete(self.fluxes, outliers) self.errors = np.delete(self.errors, outliers) self.quarters = np.delete(self.quarters, outliers)
[docs] def mask_out_of_transit(self, oot_duration_fraction=0.25, flip=False): """ Mask out the out-of-transit light curve based on transit parameters Parameters ---------- oot_duration_fraction : float (optional) Fluxes from what fraction of a transit duration of the out-of-transit light curve should be included in the mask? flip : bool (optional) If `True`, mask in-transit rather than out-of-transit. Returns ------- d : dict Inputs for a new `LightCurve` object with the mask applied. """ # Fraction of one duration to capture out of transit params = self.params phased = (self.times.jd - params.t0) % params.per near_transit = ((phased < params.duration*(0.5 + oot_duration_fraction)) | (phased > params.per - params.duration*(0.5 + oot_duration_fraction))) if flip: near_transit = ~near_transit sort_by_time = np.argsort(self.times[near_transit].jd) return dict(times=self.times[near_transit][sort_by_time], fluxes=self.fluxes[near_transit][sort_by_time], errors=self.errors[near_transit][sort_by_time], quarters=self.quarters[near_transit][sort_by_time], params=self.params)
[docs] def mask_in_transit(self, oot_duration_fraction=0.25): """ Mask out the in-transit light curve based on transit parameters Parameters ---------- oot_duration_fraction : float (optional) Fluxes from what fraction of a transit duration of the out-of-transit light curve should be included in the mask? Returns ------- d : dict Inputs for a new `LightCurve` object with the mask applied. """ params = self.params return self.mask_out_of_transit(params, flip=True, oot_duration_fraction=oot_duration_fraction)
[docs] def get_transit_light_curves(self, plots=False): """ For a light curve with transits only (i.e. like one returned by `LightCurve.mask_out_of_transit`), split up the transits into their own light curves, return a list of `TransitLightCurve` objects. Parameters ---------- plots : bool Make diagnostic plots. Returns ------- transit_light_curves : list List of `TransitLightCurve` objects """ params = self.params time_diffs = np.diff(sorted(self.times.jd)) diff_between_transits = params.per/2. split_inds = np.argwhere(time_diffs > diff_between_transits) + 1 if len(split_inds) > 1: split_ind_pairs = [[0, split_inds[0][0]]] split_ind_pairs.extend([[split_inds[i][0], split_inds[i+1][0]] for i in range(len(split_inds)-1)]) split_ind_pairs.extend([[split_inds[-1], len(self.times)]]) transit_light_curves = [] counter = -1 for start_ind, end_ind in split_ind_pairs: counter += 1 if plots: plt.plot(self.times.jd[start_ind:end_ind], self.fluxes[start_ind:end_ind], '.-') if hasattr(start_ind, '__len__'): start_ind = start_ind[0] parameters = dict(times=self.times[start_ind:end_ind], fluxes=self.fluxes[start_ind:end_ind], errors=self.errors[start_ind:end_ind], quarters=self.quarters[start_ind:end_ind], name=counter, params=self.params) transit_light_curves.append(TransitLightCurve(**parameters)) if plots: else: transit_light_curves = [] return transit_light_curves
[docs] def get_available_quarters(self): """ Get which quarters are available in this `LightCurve` Returns ------- qs : list List of unique quarters available. """ return list(set(self.quarters))
[docs] def get_quarter(self, quarter): """ Get a copy of the data from within `LightCurve` during one Kepler quarter. Parameters ---------- quarter : int Kepler Quarter Returns ------- lc : `LightCurve` Light curve from one Kepler Quarter """ this_quarter = self.quarters == quarter return LightCurve(times=self.times[this_quarter], fluxes=self.fluxes[this_quarter], errors=self.errors[this_quarter], quarters=self.quarters[this_quarter], + '_quarter_{0}'.format(quarter))
@property def times_jd(self): """ Get the times in this light curve in JD. Returns ------- t_jd : `~numpy.ndarray` Julian dates. """ return self.times.jd
[docs] def split_at_index(self, index): """ Split the light curve into two light curves, at ``index`` """ return (LightCurve(times=self.times[:index], fluxes=self.fluxes[:index], errors=self.errors[:index], quarters=self.quarters[:index],, LightCurve(times=self.times[index:], fluxes=self.fluxes[index:], errors=self.errors[index:], quarters=self.quarters[index:],
[docs] def transit_model(self, short_cadence=False): transit_params = self.params # (1 * u.min).to( if short_cadence: exp_time = (1 * u.min).to( #(6.019802903 * 10 * u.s).to( supersample = 10 else: exp_time = (6.019802903 * 10 * 30 * u.s).to( supersample = 10 m = batman.TransitModel(transit_params, self.times.jd, supersample_factor=supersample, exp_time=exp_time) model_flux = m.light_curve(transit_params) return model_flux
[docs]class TransitLightCurve(LightCurve): """ Container for a single transit light curve. Subclass of `LightCurve`. """ def __init__(self, times=None, fluxes=None, errors=None, quarters=None, name=None, params=None): """ Parameters ---------- times : `~numpy.ndarray` Times in JD fluxes : `~numpy.ndarray` Fluxes (normalized or not) errors : `~numpy.ndarray` Uncertainties on the fluxes quarters : `~numpy.ndarray` (optional) Kepler Quarter for each flux name : str Name this light curve (optional) """ if isinstance(times[0], Time) and isinstance(times, np.ndarray): times = Time(times) elif not isinstance(times, Time): times = Time(times, format='jd') self.times = times self.fluxes = fluxes self.errors = errors if self.times is not None and quarters is None: quarters = np.zeros_like(self.fluxes) - 1 self.quarters = quarters = name if type(name) is str else str(name) self.rescaled = False self.params = params
[docs] def fit_linear_baseline(self, cadence=30*u.min, return_near_transit=False, plots=False): """ Find OOT portions of transit light curve using similar method to `LightCurve.mask_out_of_transit`, fit linear baseline to OOT. Parameters ---------- cadence : `~astropy.units.Quantity` (optional) Length of the exposure time for each flux. Default is 1 min. return_near_transit : bool (optional) Return the mask for times in-transit. Returns ------- linear_baseline : `numpy.ndarray` Baseline trend of out-of-transit fluxes near_transit : `numpy.ndarray` (optional) The mask for times in-transit. """ params = self.params cadence_buffer = get_oot_duration_fraction = 0 phased = (self.times.jd - params.t0) % params.per near_transit = ((phased < params.duration * (0.5 + get_oot_duration_fraction) + cadence_buffer) | (phased > params.per - params.duration * (0.5 + get_oot_duration_fraction) - cadence_buffer)) # Remove linear baseline trend order = 1 linear_baseline = np.polyfit(self.times.jd[~near_transit], self.fluxes[~near_transit], order) linear_baseline_fit = np.polyval(linear_baseline, self.times.jd) if plots: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15,6)) ax[0].axhline(1, ls='--', color='k') ax[0].plot(self.times.jd, linear_baseline_fit, 'r') ax[0].plot(self.times.jd, self.fluxes, 'bo') if return_near_transit: return linear_baseline, near_transit else: return linear_baseline
[docs] def remove_linear_baseline(self, plots=False, cadence=30*u.min): """ Find OOT portions of transit light curve using similar method to `LightCurve.mask_out_of_transit`, fit linear baseline to OOT, divide whole light curve by that fit. Parameters ---------- cadence : `~astropy.units.Quantity` (optional) Length of the exposure time for each flux. Default is 1 min. plots : bool (optional) Show diagnostic plots. """ params = self.params linear_baseline, near_transit = self.fit_linear_baseline(cadence=cadence, return_near_transit=True) linear_baseline_fit = np.polyval(linear_baseline, self.times.jd) self.fluxes = self.fluxes/linear_baseline_fit self.errors = self.errors/linear_baseline_fit if plots: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15,6)) ax[0].axhline(1, ls='--', color='k') ax[0].plot(self.times.jd, self.fluxes, 'o') ax[0].set_title('before trend removal') ax[1].set_title('after trend removal') ax[1].axhline(1, ls='--', color='k') ax[1].plot(self.times.jd, self.fluxes, 'o')
[docs] def remove_polynomial_baseline(self, order=2, plots=False, cadence=30*u.min): """ Find OOT portions of transit light curve using similar method to `LightCurve.mask_out_of_transit`, fit linear baseline to OOT, divide whole light curve by that fit. Parameters ---------- cadence : `~astropy.units.Quantity` (optional) Length of the exposure time for each flux. Default is 1 min. plots : bool (optional) Show diagnostic plots. """ params = self.params poly_baseline, near_transit = self.fit_polynomial_baseline(order=order, cadence=cadence, return_near_transit=True) poly_baseline_fit = np.polyval(poly_baseline, self.times.jd) self.fluxes = self.fluxes / poly_baseline_fit self.errors = self.errors / poly_baseline_fit if plots: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15,6)) ax[0].axhline(1, ls='--', color='k') ax[0].plot(self.times.jd, self.fluxes, 'o') ax[0].set_title('before trend removal') ax[1].set_title('after trend removal') ax[1].axhline(1, ls='--', color='k') ax[1].plot(self.times.jd, self.fluxes, 'o')
[docs] def scale_by_baseline(self, linear_baseline_params): if not self.rescaled: scaling_vector = np.polyval(linear_baseline_params, self.times.jd) self.fluxes *= scaling_vector self.errors *= scaling_vector self.rescaled = True
[docs] def fit_polynomial_baseline(self, order=2, cadence=30*u.min, plots=False, mask=None): """ Find OOT portions of transit light curve using similar method to `LightCurve.mask_out_of_transit`, fit linear baseline to OOT """ params = self.params if mask is None: mask = np.ones(len(self.fluxes)).astype(bool) cadence_buffer = get_oot_duration_fraction = 0 phased = (self.times.jd[mask] - params.t0) % params.per near_transit = ((phased < params.duration*(0.5 + get_oot_duration_fraction) + cadence_buffer) | (phased > params.per - params.duration*(0.5 + get_oot_duration_fraction) - cadence_buffer)) # Remove polynomial baseline trend after subtracting the times by its # mean -- this improves numerical stability for polyfit downscaled_times = self.times.jd - self.times.jd.mean() if len(downscaled_times[mask][~near_transit]) > 0: polynomial_baseline = np.polyfit(downscaled_times[mask][~near_transit], self.fluxes[mask][~near_transit], order) polynomial_baseline_fit = np.polyval(polynomial_baseline, downscaled_times) else: polynomial_baseline_fit = np.ones_like(near_transit) if plots: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15,6)) ax[0].axhline(1, ls='--', color='k') ax[0].plot(self.times.jd, polynomial_baseline_fit, 'r') ax[0].plot(self.times.jd, self.fluxes, 'bo') if mask is not None: ax[0].plot(self.times.jd[~mask], self.fluxes[~mask], 'ro') return polynomial_baseline_fit
[docs] def subtract_polynomial_baseline(self, plots=False, order=2, cadence=30*u.min): """ Find OOT portions of transit light curve using similar method to `LightCurve.mask_out_of_transit`, fit polynomial baseline to OOT, subtract whole light curve by that fit. """ params = self.params polynomial_baseline_fit = self.fit_polynomial_baseline(cadence=cadence, order=order) self.fluxes = self.fluxes - polynomial_baseline_fit self.errors = self.errors if plots: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15,6)) ax[0].axhline(1, ls='--', color='k') ax[0].plot(self.times.jd, self.fluxes, 'o') #ax[0].plot(self.times.jd[near_transit], self.fluxes[near_transit], 'ro') ax[0].set_title('before trend removal') ax[1].set_title('after trend removal') ax[1].axhline(1, ls='--', color='k') ax[1].plot(self.times.jd, self.fluxes, 'o')
[docs] def subtract_add_divide_without_outliers(self, quarterly_max, order=2, cadence=30*u.min, outlier_error_multiplier=50, outlier_tolerance_depth_factor=0.20, plots=False): if len(self.times_jd) > 0: init_baseline_fit = self.fit_polynomial_baseline(order=order, cadence=cadence) # Subtract out a transit model transit_model = generate_lc_depth(self.times_jd, self.params.rp**2, self.params) lower_outliers = (transit_model*init_baseline_fit - self.fluxes > self.fluxes.mean() * outlier_tolerance_depth_factor * self.params.rp**2) self.errors[lower_outliers] *= outlier_error_multiplier final_baseline_fit = self.fit_polynomial_baseline(order=order, cadence=cadence, mask=~lower_outliers) self.fluxes = self.fluxes - final_baseline_fit self.fluxes += quarterly_max self.fluxes /= quarterly_max self.errors /= quarterly_max if plots: plt.errorbar(self.times.jd, self.fluxes, self.errors, fmt='o') plt.plot(self.times.jd[lower_outliers], self.fluxes[lower_outliers], 'rx')
[docs] def chi2_lc_3param(self, p): """ Compute chi^2 for a three-parameter light curve model with parameters in tuple ``p`` consisting of the planet-star radius ratio, and two limb-darkening parameters (Kipping 2013) """ rp, q1, q2 = p model = lc_3param(self.times_jd, rp, q2, q2, self.params) mask_nans = np.logical_not(np.isnan(self.fluxes) | np.isnan(self.errors)) return np.sum((model[mask_nans] - self.fluxes[mask_nans])**2 / (2*self.errors[mask_nans])**2)
[docs] def fit_lc_3param(self): """ Fit three-parameter light curve model, and replace the transit parameters in ``self.params`` with the best fit planet-star radius ratio, and two limb-darkening parameters (Kipping 2013). """ q1_init, q2_init = u2q(*self.params.u) initp = [self.params.rp, q1_init, q2_init] bounds = [(0.1 * self.params.rp, 2 * self.params.rp), (0, 1), (0, 1)] results = fmin_l_bfgs_b(self.chi2_lc_3param, initp, approx_grad=True, bounds=bounds, iprint=0) bestp = results[0] best_rp, best_q1, best_q2 = bestp self.params.rp = best_rp self.params.u = q2u(best_q1, best_q2)
[docs]def concatenate_transit_light_curves(light_curve_list, name=None): """ Combine multiple transit light curves into one `TransitLightCurve` object. Parameters ---------- light_curve_list : list List of `TransitLightCurve` objects name : str Name of new light curve Returns ------- tlc : `TransitLightCurve` Concatenated transit light curves """ times = [] fluxes = [] errors = [] quarters = [] for light_curve in light_curve_list: times.append(light_curve.times.jd) fluxes.append(light_curve.fluxes) errors.append(light_curve.errors) quarters.append(light_curve.quarters) times, fluxes, errors, quarters = [np.concatenate(i) for i in [times, fluxes, errors, quarters]] times = Time(times, format='jd') return TransitLightCurve(times=times, fluxes=fluxes, errors=errors, quarters=quarters, name=name, params=light_curve.params)
[docs]def concatenate_light_curves(light_curve_list, name=None): """ Combine multiple transit light curves into one `TransitLightCurve` object. Parameters ---------- light_curve_list : list List of `TransitLightCurve` objects name : str Name of new light curve Returns ------- tlc : `TransitLightCurve` Concatenated transit light curves """ times = [] fluxes = [] errors = [] quarters = [] for light_curve in light_curve_list: times.append(light_curve.times.jd) fluxes.append(light_curve.fluxes) errors.append(light_curve.errors) quarters.append(light_curve.quarters) times, fluxes, errors, quarters = [np.concatenate(i) for i in [times, fluxes, errors, quarters]] times = Time(times, format='jd') return LightCurve(times=times, fluxes=fluxes, errors=errors, quarters=quarters, name=name, params=light_curve.params[0])
[docs]def subtract_add_divide(whole_lc, transits): """ Normalize transit light curves in ``transits`` with the "subtract-add-divide" method. Parameters ---------- whole_lc : `~salter.LightCurve` or subclass Light curve over the whole kepler mission transits : list of `~salter.LightCurve` or subclasses Transit light curves """ # Compute maxes for each quarter available_quarters = whole_lc.get_available_quarters() quarters = [whole_lc.get_quarter(q) for q in whole_lc.get_available_quarters()] quarterly_maxes = {} set_upper_limit = 4e10 for i, quarter_number, lc in zip(range(len(available_quarters)), available_quarters, quarters): fluxes = lc.fluxes[lc.fluxes < set_upper_limit] smoothed_fluxes = gaussian_filter(fluxes, sigma=20) quarterly_maxes[quarter_number] = np.max(smoothed_fluxes) for transit in transits: transit.subtract_add_divide_without_outliers(quarterly_max=quarterly_maxes[lc.quarters[0]], plots=False)